Bio-Tree & Shrub
All-In-One with Stress Master™ 

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This N-P-K formulation is based on science - 50 years of research and 1000’s of soil tests, indicating very little need for phosphorus and potassium . . . BIO-TREE & SHRUB with ORGANIC SOIL CONDITIONERS, BIOLOGICAL SUPPORT and STRESS MASTER

Significantly improves soil porosity, allowing for deeper water penetration and better air exchange which . . . .

  • Increases beneficial soil microbes as part of the natural food-web that builds organics within the soil profile.
  • Supports organic matter, improves water-holding capacity for better soil moisture retention, decreases water needs by as much as 30%, and thereby increases drought tolerance and stress recovery.
  • I ncreases quantity and activity of soil microbes, making more nutrients available and increasing nutrient uptake.
  • Accelerates cell division for healthier plant growth and improved root-mass including elongation of fibrous roots.
  • Bio-Tree & Shrub with Stress Master helps control Phytophthora, Downy Mildew and Pythium.
  • Increases production of natural fungicides (phytoalexins) providing additional organic disease controls.
  • Supplies plant growth regulators including auxins, cytokinins, gibberellins, calines and many others.
  • Stimulates plant metabolism which increases vitamin and plant sugar content as well as protein levels.
  • Improves soil's physical properties (loosens clay OR aggregates sandy soils) while creating “new” soil by active decomposition of rocks, minerals and organic matter.
  • Detoxifies soil pollutants, neutralizes “Black Layer” issues and helps prevent the development of “clay pans.”
  • Improves soil Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) which effectively reduces the potential of leaching.
  • Increases permeability of plant membranes, promoting nutrient uptake to help prevent/cure issues like chlorosis.
  • Stimulates and balances many physiological activities including respiration, hormonal and enzyme activity.

Mixing Directions~
  • Start to fill tank(s) with at least 1/2 of the total amount of water needed.
  • While re-circulating, add the desired amount of Bio-Tree & Shrub using the chart below at your desired N-P-K ratio.
  • Using the Prescription Soil Analysis recommendations, you can add additional products such as Bio-Aer, Bio-Green, Bio-Grow or Bio-Tea to the entire mixture or custom mix for specific plants and/or customers.
  • Finish filling the tank(s).
Application Directiosn ~ TREES
Inject at the rate of 1 gal per hole and 5 holes per 1” DBH in circles or a grid 18-24” apart starting close to the trunk and continuing two circles beyond the drip line. (Total of 5 gals per inch DBH.)

Application Directions~ SHRUBS / EVERGREENS
Inject 1/2 gal per hole evenly spaced with the following frequency (by height): 

Ankle/Shin - 2 holes
Knee/Waist - 3 holes
Shoulder - 4 holes
Fingertip - 5 holes
Large shrubs - 1 hole every 18” around drip line
Hedges - inject 1 hole every 18” on sides & 1 between plants Ground covers/ground hugging shrubs - inject on 18” gri

Surface Applications~

  • Apply 1 gal of Bio-T & S in 50 gal of water to each 150 sq. ft. of bed area or 150 linear feet of a hedge.
  • Apply 1 gal of Bio-T & S in 50 gal of water for each 8” of DBH. Apply evenly throughout the canopy area.
  • Rinse surface with water.
N-P-K Ratio Tank Size 50 gal 100 gal 200 gal
5-2-2 Bio-T&S 3 qt 1.25 gal 2.5 gal
10-5-5 Bio-T&S 1.5 gal 2.5 gal 5 gal
All evidence and function of healthy plant growth will be optimized, from absorption. to transporation. root growth to leaf size and color, enlarged blossoms and healthy reproductive activity.

This method may be the only viable option if a significant amount of roots are inaccessible due to decks, patios, streets, driveways or located on adjacent properties. Concentrated application is possible due to Bio-Tree & Shrub’s food-grade, organic-based ingredients and low salt index, which will not damage fine root hairs or soil biology, while providing faster “uptake.” While this method can result in significant cost savings and meet the nutritional requirements of the plants, soil conditioning and biological support is not achieved throughout the entire canopy area. Treating the entire area occasionally is recommended.

Mixing Directions ~

  • Start to fill tank(s) with at least 1/2 of the total amount of water required.  
  • While re-circulating, add the desired amount of Bio-Tree & Shrub using the chart below based on desired N-P-K ratio.
  • Using the Prescription Soil Analysis recommendations, you can add additional products such as Bio-Aer, Bio-Green, Bio-Grow or Bio-Tea to the entire mixture or custom mix for individual customers.
  • Finish filling the tank(s).

Application Directions ~ TREES
  • Inject at the rate of 1 gal per hole and 1 hole per 1” DBH in concentric circles starting as close as possible to the trunk without damaging flare roots.
  • Total amount of solution for a tree can be applied within 5-7 ft. of the trunk or less.

Application Directions~ SHRUBS / EVERGREENS
Inject 1qt. per hole evenly spaced with the following frequency (by height):

Ankle/Shin - 2 holes
Knee/Waist - 3 holes
Shoulder - 4 holes
Fingertip - 5 holes
Large shrubs - 1 hole every 18” around drip line
Hedges - inject 1 hole every 18” on sides & 1 between plants
Ground covers / ground hugging shrubs - inject on 18” grid

N-P-K Ratio Tank Size 50 gal 100 gal 200 gal
5-2-2 Bio-T&S 1.25 gal 2.5 gal 5 gal
10-5-5 Bio-T&S 2.5 gal 5 gal 10gal

Mixing Directions ~

  • Fill tank 1/2 full of water.
  • Add 12 oz. of Bio-Tree & Shrub in the one (1) gallon tank.
  • Add 48 oz. of Bio-Tree & Shrub In the four (4) gal backpack.
  • Finish filling the tank or backpack.

Application Directions ~ PLANTS
Set metering scale for 10 fl. oz. and inject by height:

Ankle/Shin - Two (2) injections per plant.
Knee/Waist - Three (3) injections per plant.
Shoulder - Four (4) injections per plant.
Fingertip - Five (5) injections per plant around drip line.
Hedges - One (1) injection between each plant (if accessible) and every 18” on both sides.
Tress - Make six (6) injections per one (1) inch of DBH.

Cleaning Process ~

  • Disconnect the 1 gallon tank or backpack hose.
  • Attach the "Rinse Tank" and follow those tank directions.
  • Failure to properly clean your Njekt when switching between products or at the end of every day may cause equipment malfunction and void warranty.
